OSHA Training In Alaska

OSHA Training in Alaska

OSHA 10 and 30 Hour training in Alaska has its State Plan for Occupational Health and Safety the regulatory body which enforces all the Standards and Regulations is called Alaska Occupational Safety and Health Division (AKOSH) which covers the state, government, and some private companies.

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Original price was: $70.Current price is: $45.

Original price was: $150.Current price is: $98.

Original price was: $150.Current price is: $98.

Original price was: $70.Current price is: $45.

Original price was: $150.Current price is: $98.

Original price was: $70.Current price is: $45.

OSHA 10 and 30 Hour Training In Alaska Training Regulations You Need To Know

Despite having a State Plan, Alaska follows Federal OSHA Standards and Regulations and instructs employees to follow the Federal OSHA training obligations. Therefore, if you work in Alaska, you only need training on specific topics and standards.

AKOSH has adopted all of the Federal OSHA Standards and Regulations and also some State centered Standards, such as:

Construction Industry State-specific Standards: 

  • Gases, Vapors, Fumes, Dust, or Mists
  • Electric Power Transmission and Distribution
  • Steel Erection and Wood Framing
General Industry State-specific Standards: 
  • Electrical Hazards
  • Toxic Substances
  • Bloodborne Pathogens and Other Infectious Diseases
  • Hazard Communication
  • Oil and Gas Drilling, Servicing, and Production
  • Logging and Forestry
  • Telecommunications
  • Electric Power Generation, Transmission, and Distribution
  • Painting Operations
  • Oil and Gas Refining, Transportation, and Handling
  • Asbestos Abatement
  • Explosives and Blasting Agents
  • Personal Protective Equipment
  • Temporary Labor Camps
  • Confined Spaces

Federal OSHA does not mandate OSHA Outreach Training. Still, on the other side, OSHA Outreach Training covers some of the important topics that Federal OSHA Standards cover. Hence, OSHA suggests employees get OSHA 30 Hour safety training and OSHA 10 Hour safety training.

Some of the employees fall under the Standards of Federal OSHA, which are listed down below:  
  • Employment under Federal conditions
  • The U.S. Postal Service
  • Maritime Private Companies
  • Worksites located in navigable waters
  • Offshore oil platforms and production units
  • Private and federal employers in Denali National Park and the Metlakatla Indian Community
  • Federally and contractor-owned Native American healthcare operations
  • Private and Federal employment within military bases
  • Some of the Agricultural operations
  • Suitable working conditions for cabin crew while operating
  • All the other issues and operations which do not comply with State Plan
How can OSHA safety training benefit you? 

The ultimate goal has always been promoting job safety and spreading it where necessary. OSHA Outreach courses help you gain job safety knowledge to build a safe and secure working environment. To contribute to making job safety common and practical at every worksite, we offer OSHA Safety training courses at the lowest prices possible.

Mentioned below are some benefits which you and your employer will gain from OSHA Safety training:

  • Protects Employers and Employees from heavy penalties and fines
  • Builds a sense of job safety which helps make the worksite secure and safe
  • Increases productivity and decreases medical compensation expense